Author Image: Jay Ambrose

Jay Ambrose

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Even with Hamas gone for good, an untethered Iran would still have Hezbollah to boss around and the means of forging new Hamas-style invaders with civilization the final loser.
Affirmative action, which got started under President John F. Kennedy, has been pursued through what itself is an unjustified, discriminatory technique of judging hardship and talent by what is seen on the surface instead of what resides deep within.
One of the things former President Donald Trump has had going for him in his confused immersion in the world of politics is that his opponents are infallibly worse than he is. Right now, bunches are hooting at him that no one is above the law as if heā€™s the one guilty of that attempted ascension instead of a blundering, confused, ideologically driven, inept, crime-assisting Manhattan district attorney.